Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oh, Rupert...

In (his) latest interview, he said the only downside to being childless was not having anyone to "mop you up when you're older".

Well said!

On his own mortality, he said: "I should probably have a fatal heart attack from an overdose of poppers on stage at the National Theatre aged 78. My amethyst rings will be being prised off me by some pretty dresser, and that's about as much attention as I'll get."

Unlikely, who could forget Rupert?

link: Rupert Everett: ‘I don’t want to be part of heterosexual norm’ - from Pink News

Friday, July 17, 2009

Look, Ma...

I did it all by myself:

Aluminum fabricated splash panels, "terra-cotta" walls, rebuilt cabinets in "steel gray" and white, "gray-blue" floors. More pictures to follow, when things are tidied up.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


(* treasure trove) Thanks to John Coulthart { feuilleton } I just discovered LUNA Commons, a huge collection of graphics, art, and photographic images. A great resource!

From their "about" page:

Formed with support from the J. Paul Getty Trust and Eastman Kodak Company, Luna Imaging Inc. is a respected leader in the digital imaging field. Luna provides both the highest quality services to convert collections into digital form, and its Insight® software, which provides a complete visual environment for working online with high-resolution images and data from anywhere at anytime.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Birthday

David Hockney, July 9, 1937

A conscientious objector, Hockney worked as a medical orderly in hospitals as his National Service in the 1950s. He was made a Companion of Honour in 1997 and is also a Royal Academician.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Eco Blacklist

10 Dangerous Household Products You Should Never Use Again:

1. Non-stick cookware.
2. Plastic bottles.
3. Chemical cleaners.
4. Chemical insect/herbicides.
5. Anti-bacterial soaps.
6. Chemical fertilizers.
7. Cheap incandescent bulbs.
8. Air fresheners.
9. Flame retardants.

This list is interesting for it's priorities as well as the information it contains. I, personally, would have put plastic bags at the top, underlined. On the other hand, the inclusion of Teflon® at the top of their list confirms what we've always suspected - it is NOT a godsend (however ubiquitous it may be in Sverige). But, above all, those damned free shopping bags have got to go - ICA, Coop, Hemköp, Safeway, Willys, et al! STOP NOW, before the Baltic (and every other large body of water) becomes a sea of dirty white plastic suffocating all organic life.

Via. Health and Wellness | AlterNet

Thursday, July 2, 2009


What will we do without Mrs. Slocombe trippping the tight lanfastic? Mollie Sugden 1922-2009

Quote du jour

"It really takes a lot of work to distill stupid down to something quite as concentrated as what (Pat) Buchanan presents."

PZ Myers, Old Fossil Takes On Darwin