Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Khoda on Vimeo


To quote from the Vimeo page:

What if you watch a film and whenever you pause it, you face a painting? This idea inspired Reza Dolatabadi to make Khoda. Over 6000 paintings were painstakingly produced during two years to create a five minutes film that would meet high personal standards. Khoda is a psychological thriller; a student project which was seen as a ‘mission impossible’ by many people but eventually proved possible!


Director and art director: Reza Dolatabadi

Written by Reza Dolatabadi & Mark Szalos Farkas

Animation by Adam Thomson

Music by Hamed Mafakheri

But that's only the beginning... you really should check out his website - such a wonderful eye and great visual imagination.

Khoda on Vimeo

(Via pe-jota.)

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